oooh, Fireworks!

oooh, Fireworks!

After working on this quilt for a few weeks, I am still inspired by its awesomeness.

Every time I look at it, I think “Pop, Pop Pop, Ohhh Fireworks”. Right below is a photo of a fabulous fireworks display somewhere in the universe…. Thank you Google! and below that is a photo of my quilt top so far.

Ohhh Fireworks

Are you blown away? I thought so! Me too… so starting right when I’m talking about this quilt, I’m calling it “Ohhh, Fireworks”.

The above picture was taken a few days ago when I had 8 blocks done. I’m up to 14 finished blocks now and am removing the papers and sewing the rows together as I go. It is just so faboolous! I love it when things fit together perfectly.

That’s all for today. Next time, I’m going to show you how I pieced each quarter section and put them together so I wasn’t getting everything all cockeyed and catawampus in my head while I was working. Stay tuned!

3 responses to “oooh, Fireworks!”

  1. Velda at the Freckled Fox Quiltery Avatar

    I liked this idea so much I blogged about it again. Thanks for finding the perfect name for my quilt.


  2. thedarlingdogwood Avatar

    That is absolute the perfect name! Oohhh, Fireworks! Love it, and the blocks capture fireworks so well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. piecefulwendy Avatar

    Your posts always make me want to stop everything and start making what you’re making. This quilt must just make you happy as you stitch away. Fantastic colors and design!


I’m Velda

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet! Its dedicated to all things quilty and quirky…or anything else that strikes my fancy. I’m glad you took a few minutes out of your day to say hello. I am all about creativity, craftsmanship, and all things made by my own hands.

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