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This post is my entry into the Applique section of the  Bloggers Quilt Festival – Fall 2016 being hosted by Amy Ellis of AmysCreativeSide.

Country Critters

I started planning this quilt late last fall and blogged about it a few times over the course of 2016.  If you feel so inclined, you can read some of those posts here and here. Or, you can take my word for it, that I wasn’t sure what I was doing when I started down the road of “wool appliqué” by designing a quilt to showcase my newfound love….

I decided to use a modified log cabin block because I love, love, love partial seams, and because the block seemed to fit the theme that was dancing around in my head (easy peasy, bright and breezy, country/folksy).  Then I dithered for awhile whether to set the blocks square or on point.  Sigh…so many decisions.  As you can see, I finally settled on an “on point” setting  because I wanted some nice large uncluttered spaces to show off the wool appliqué critters.   I should say right now that I didn’t have any patterns for any of these critters.  I found inspiration for them on quilts (or blocks) on Pinterest  and I made simple free hand drawings, which I then transferred to freezer paper and from there it was a piece of cake to cut out these primitive barnyard beauties.  I take no credit for designing these wool appliqué shapes, but am very grateful to all the talented designers who did this work for me.  I would be happy to give credit to any or all of you, if you come forward and claim the designs as your own.



But, I hung in there and sometime in January, I finished the piecing and appliqué and put it in the hoop for some hand quilting love. You gotta know that it was sometime in the middle of February when I started thinking this was a project which would never be over.  I have no idea why I decided to do so much hand quilting on it, much less the embroidery…Holy Heck Hannah this was supposed to be a simple quilt and it was turning into a mammoth undertaking.  So you can probably imagine how excited I was when I put the last quilting stitch into the little red border and could finally bind it and put it in the “finished” pile sometime in late June or early July.


It was finished just in time to be entered into the Crapaud Exhibition (a country fair) here on PEI in late July.  I was so thrilled when it won a red ribbon…somehow all those hours put into it, were worth it.

I love this little quilt and hope you do too.





3 responses to “Bloggers Quilt Festival – Applique Category ”

  1. Paige Avatar

    The addition of the applique around the scrappy log cabins is beautiful!


  2. Sally Avatar

    I love the applique. Very colorful. What a fun quilt.


  3. Laura P in NH Avatar

    I love the design ~ combo of log cabin blocks and the wonderful wool applique. Great job!


I’m Velda

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet! Its dedicated to all things quilty and quirky…or anything else that strikes my fancy. I’m glad you took a few minutes out of your day to say hello. I am all about creativity, craftsmanship, and all things made by my own hands.

Let’s connect